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Срочно нужна помощь?
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Skype: safetybis
Tel: +44 20 3290 0277
Live Chat:
Website Access Details
To provide full security support, we need access details of your website.
Please note: We use HTTPS protocol (Encryption protocol (SHA-2 and 2048-bit encryption) to protect your information. We don't share it with 3rd party websites or services. It's available for our support team only.
FTP (or sFTP) access details*
To analyze and clean the files, install security tools, we need FTP access to the files of your website.
Important: FTP (or sFTP) account has to point to the folder with the files "/" or "/public_html". If you don't know how to create FTP account, you can provide cPanel details or learn how to create FTP correctly
1. Login into your cPanel account and find FTP accounts icon
2. Fill username, password and set Directory to "/"
Hosting panel details (cPanel, Plesk, GoDaddy and etc)
To analyze server logs, SQL, other FTP accounts we need access to your hosting panel.
Important: Some hackers create the fake FTP accounts or cron jobs on your server. Please fill this section and our team will be able to check your hosting settings.
CMS administrator details (WordPress admin, Joomla admin and etc)
To analyze CMS users and installed extensions we need access to administrator's area.